The word "Kotora" means baby tiger, and our shop has three of them: Kiko, Koko and Kiku.
Our tigers speak "lol-speak" because well, they're little baby animals. You'll have to pardon their spelling and grammar too, because they're only here for the animal crackers and "elfunts."* Besides, it's not like you'd correct a little kid when they say "choo-choo" do you? Please be nice to them. As sweet and young as they are, they have very sensitive feelings and are quick to cry or pee on your carpet if so inclined. Oh, and did I mention that Koko packs a mean sword?!
Anyways, you will find our tigers on our clothes, swords, jewelry and even collars that we make. Rumor has it that you can find them occasionally at the fishing tournaments in Bound Lotus and Nippon too!
Kiku has a bad habit of marking things with her paw prints. I'm thankful that it's the ONLY thing she uses to mark, because potty training those three was a nightmare! In any case, the tiggys add a little pizzaz to our day, and they're great if you're just looking for a smile. Please click on their names to get an individual biography on each one. I'm sure we'll add more to each of their stories as we grow. More stories about them and their antics are muchly appreciated and welcomed. ^.^
*SSH! Yus, you know and I know that there are no elfunts in the Kotora shop. However, KIKO doesn't know that, and we're going to keep it that way, aren't we?